CAPT program

Very expensive indeed, and there are no guarantee's... then again, there aren't any "guarantee's" anywhere in aviation.
Hardcore. Sounds kinda like what Riddle normally does, just really compressed. 5 training flights a week for 10 months would wear out anyone.
Ah... looks like another Daytona Beach specific program. 1 school 2 campus' my a$$.

Also looks like they are shoveling more BS than when I started at Prescott. And boy did they shovel a lot then!

Also looks like they are shoveling more BS than when I started at Prescott. And boy did they shovel a lot then!

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Oh Brother...
The sad part is that ERAU is competing with other schools that claim the absolute "monopoly" on 'accelerated programs'.

Potential students read the magazine ads and favorably respond to the 'fly here today, fly an RJ tomorrow' so they're trying to pay the bills with CAPT.

I don't like how the program sounds, but you've got to blame people that crack open Flying magazine, see a glossy ad and smash open the trust fund kitty.
I don't like how the program sounds, but you've got to blame people that crack open Flying magazine, see a glossy ad and smash open the trust fund kitty.

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And it's not like they're typically stupid or lazy. They just don't know any better. Someone really should start a website to edumacate them people.....


I don't like how the program sounds.

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I recently applied to the CAPT program...What don't you like about it?
What catches your eye on the add for CAPT is the first officer flying a next generation 737. They have now moved the Katanas onto the ramp with the Cessna 172 fleet here at Daytona.
The glass cockpit is really the EFD of an MD-90 that used to be the Saudi Arabia trainer at Boeing not a 737. Saudi Arabia owns all 29 EFD MD-90's ever built.

As far as a site that warns people try
Just saw this post @ flightinfo .com

Quote: DKM
Embry Riddle CAPT has updated their site making changes to many of the FAQ’s pointed out as being false. Looks like the truth is coming out.

I can’t believe Embry Riddle’s Board allows the CAPT leadership to run this program like this. Surely they must be embarrassed with the Universities overall reputation on the line.
Wow, if the information on that "captiscrap" site is true,,,,,,,,here we go again is right.
What a joke. An MD-90 type for $65K? Give me a break. To all you perspective CAPTers, I would be careful if I were you. I don't know,,,,,here's an idea: How bout you get your flight instructor certificates, gain experience, build time and save your money. I don't know, just a thought.
Wow, if the information on that "captiscrap" site is true,,,,,,,,here we go again is right.
What a joke. An MD-90 type for $65K? Give me a break. To all you perspective CAPTers, I would be careful if I were you. I don't know,,,,,here's an idea: How bout you get your flight instructor certificates, gain experience, build time and save your money. I don't know, just a thought.

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$65K for an MD-90 type? I thought you can get a 737 type for about $9K.......

As a Riddle grad, these are some of the ideas they come up that really make me not push the school on prospective studs.

It's to the same tune of the PanAm program where you train in an RJ following your CFI and your grand 240TT.

$65K for an MD-90 type? I thought you can get a 737 type for about $9K.......

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Actually, you can get a 737 type rating for about $7,000, but you are talking about training in a 737-200 or 737-300, not exactly a state of the art device. PLUS, there are certain Prerequisites that may not qualifty you to take the course.

I think that some of the students going through on the MD90 program, may not qualify for the 737 type rating program.
Yeah, and not to mention, those 250 hour pilots need a type rating like they need a hole in their head.
Very lame in my opinion.
. . . you can get a 737 type rating for about $7,000, but you are talking about training in a 737-200 or 737-300, not exactly a state of the art device.

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As long as it says "B737" on it, I don't care if it has Lycoming engines on the wings....
Oh boy, I hope that I did not come off as a defender of the Embry Riddle program, far from it, I was just commenting on the training the students receive. According to the Embry Riddle website, there are two programs:

First Officer Training Program:
Ab initio to First Officer $65,500
Experienced Pilot to First Officer* $36,500

The Ab initio program is 10 months long according to the website, the $7000 type rating programs at Higher Power & K&S Aviation are about 80 hours of homestudy & about two weeks of training.

If a student is qualified to take the 737 course & pass it, they would be nuts not to.

I just don't see how you can compare the two programs, completely different.

Now with the 737 or a MD90 type rating in your hand, neither one is a guarantee for a job, you still need the hours.