Can you laminate your medical?


Well-Known Member
Quick question. My medical went through the washer:rotfl: Shockingly came out unharmed other than it is kinda soft now haha. I'm afraid it will tear so can I laminate it? I can't find anything on the medical itself that says dont laminate but I could have swore someone told me not to do it in the past.
I am not a student pilot I have a commercial license but I might as well pay the 2.00 bucks for a new one.
Once past student pilot I don't see why you couldn't? If yours is that trashed I'd probably just get a new one, but I suppose if your habits put your medical at risk of being destroyed, I don't see why you couldn't laminate it :)
Laminate it!? Dammit man, where do you keep that thing? I have a hard time getting it in my wallet when I fold it over twice.

I could have swore someone told me not to do it in the past.

That's one of the OWTs usually focused on the pilot certificate, when they were paper. The stories abounded of DPEs or FAA Inspectors confiscating certificates because you had "defaced" them. While I can't say that never happened, I recall the FAA stating publicly in some fashion that laminating was fine.
Laminate it!? Dammit man, where do you keep that thing? I have a hard time getting it in my wallet when I fold it over twice.

I have one those Sportys pilot wallets that has the ramp pass holder that holds the medical and the licensed. Well my wallet went through the washer with my work pants haha
From FAAO 8900.1:

5-196 PERSONAL POSSESSION OF PILOT CERTIFICATES. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.3 requires that pilots of U.S. civil aircraft have a current pilot certificate in their personal possession when acting as a required pilot flight crewmember. This means that, to avoid the possibility of fraudulent use of another’s pilot certificate, the pilot must be in possession of an original certificate, not a copy. The copy of a temporary certificate issued to an airman by the FAA or by a designated pilot examiner is acceptable; however, inspectors should check all temporary certificates for expiration dates.

NOTE: Airmen may either use clear laminating sheets to protect permanent FAA‑issued certificates or have the certificates professionally laminated as long as the airman’s signature is placed on the certificate before lamination. Without the signature, the certificate is not valid.
by your own machine.. i got one during holiday sales for like 20 bucks and the laminate paper is like 15 bucks for a 50 pack... i use it all the time when making teaching material and other random stuff
It is more difficult to carry it in your wallet if you laminate it. But if it is in your wallet, I submit that your chances of putting it through the washer are reduced. :)
Ziploc bag? I just put stuff in the bag, and it keeps stuff dry. Especially when your back and forth between temporary and plastic certificates.
I have been laminating mine for some time. I keep it folded in my wallet for easy jumpseating access. Seriously without the laminating, they would be destroyed so fast.
I have been laminating mine for some time. I keep it folded in my wallet for easy jumpseating access. Seriously without the laminating, they would be destroyed so fast.
Yes...they are. :rotfl:

Seriously though, how do you fold it if it's laminated?

From FAAO 8900.1:

5-196 PERSONAL POSSESSION OF PILOT CERTIFICATES. Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61, § 61.3 requires that pilots of U.S. civil aircraft have a current pilot certificate in their personal possession when acting as a required pilot flight crewmember. This means that, to avoid the possibility of fraudulent use of another’s pilot certificate, the pilot must be in possession of an original certificate, not a copy. The copy of a temporary certificate issued to an airman by the FAA or by a designated pilot examiner is acceptable; however, inspectors should check all temporary certificates for expiration dates.

NOTE: Airmen may either use clear laminating sheets to protect permanent FAA‑issued certificates or have the certificates professionally laminated as long as the airman’s signature is placed on the certificate before lamination. Without the signature, the certificate is not valid.

IMO this reg is dealing more with the old paper pilot's licenses than medicals. I don't see a problem in laminating the medical though. Just be sure it is signed..
IMO this reg is dealing more with the old paper pilot's licenses than medicals.

Doesn't matter, they're both FAA-issued certificates and it illustrates the FAA's attitude. You can't always find an interpretation addressed to you individually, but rather you have to construe general principles from specific instances.