I'm in Utah and haven't heard anything either and they usually put EVERYTHING they can on the news so they don't have to fill it in with "Beaver Resident Turns 102 Today" But maybe it was just too complicated a topic for a quick news spot?
"It's big news to us, but to the average Joe, it's more of a "dog bites man" story."
Why do I always feel that way when want I see something aviation related on the news.. Unless it's some plane crash which is horribly covered by analysts.
If it really happened, it's FBI ... very doubtful it would make it in the papers. Heck, the former students aren't even being told by the FBI what is going on. We have, however, each been contacted and asked to answer questions.
I got a letter from the Bankrupcty court in Orlando the other day notifying me of a hearing up coming for some lawyers requesting about $7500. Not sure why I am on the list, I left ATA in Feb of 01 after getting screwed but not as bad as the others...
Anyone who filled out a "Consumer Fraud Complaint Form" received one of these letters.... it is that form we had everyone fill out and submit when all of this happened.
On the contrary (and I have contacts in the legal community to this effect - none whom I will disclose however) - just because no formal Complaint has been filed does not mean that "The lawyers have not started working on the case yet (officially)".
Indeed they have - and diligently so.
I know you don't like "lawyers" but in this matter - your assertion is just not the truth.
John I got another letter yesterday from the court and this time it was for around $4000 for admin fees. Whatever that is. I never filed a consumer form either. As stated earlier I left 2 yrs earlier...
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