Callsign 'Cactus' to stay!

Odd choice of words..'rape'. But then you are given to hyperbole...
OA...His posts make a lot more sense to me now......Of course all I see is:
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By far the most militant and one of the least professional posters on the site. His name calling and insinuations do not fit the "good moral character" required of an ATP. It's a shame that he has many newbies here thinking he is the second coming of Herb Kelleher.

For some reason unknown to us, he has this vendetta against merged USAir, even though he isn't part of either airline, nor either of the unions involved. The only "raping" is being done by the AWA pilots who are currently flying USA-E routes and salivating over big airplanes they never thought they'd get.

As a USA passenger, I'm saddened if this is true about the cactus callsign. I am also irritated when they put a US-W aircraft on a route formerly flown by US-E aircraft. Their (AWA) 'buses are like a glorified RJs, with their vertical seatback pitch and no power outlets in coach (coast to coast flight).

I didn't think a merger could get worse than with USAir/Piedmont...but it did.
The interesting thing is that the two USAPA guys I talked to (not to mention the vast majority of ex Easties I've heard talking) have absolutely no problem with the call sign switch. The people that are making the biggest waves are either ex East non pilots who feel this is a marketing thing or West guys who are trying to make some bad press for USAPA.

Yes at USAPA did at one point pass a resolution pushing for one call sign, and recommended that it reflect the company name, but that's it.

I'm guessing there will be a little confusion at first and maybe a few hold outs, but I don't see any pilot group wide obstruction to this moving forward.
OA...His posts make a lot more sense to me now......Of course all I see is:
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I try not to put people on the ignore list because agree/disagree, I want to see the full picture.

By far the most militant and one of the least professional posters on the site.

The boy does seem to have a fair amount of sand in his craw.
As for mergers, ALL are ugly and the best advise is to lube up and relax. It's gonna hurt.. no way around that. And because everyone has expectations which are often unrealized (health, merger, chapter 7/11, etc) things have a way of being a bit more complicated.

And the same arguments occur over and over.. 'you're lucky to have a job', 'we bought you', your outfit was composed of losers and weenies no one else wanted', 'we were making money until your outfit screwed everything up', etc. Doesn't change anything but makes buying the beer on layovers more difficult.

As for call signs, not an issue.

As a USA passenger, I'm saddened if this is true about the cactus callsign. I didn't think a merger could get worse than with USAir/Piedmont...but it did.

The PI/PSA/USAir collision was very difficult in that the managers had no clue about how to run an operation that went from Fresno to Frankfurt and they apparently thought you could bring three remarkably different cultures together with ease. It happened in '88 as I remember and the reverberations are still occurring. Rustheads, Bubbas and Beachboys. And now Sandcrabs. Everyone reduced to a nice little stereotype so dislike and distrust comes easier.
The interesting thing is that the two USAPA guys I talked to (not to mention the vast majority of ex Easties I've heard talking) have absolutely no problem with the call sign switch.

Not that the bad guys are that stupid but I remember there being some discussion about easy targets with the call sign and the logo painted on the fuselage.

And no, the callsign change should not even be on the radar with all the other issues that have yet to be resolved.