Thirty-five years ago when I was doing my initial training, it had all been in the 150 -- all 9.5hrs. Going out to the airport, I just knew that TODAY was going to be the big day -- 1st solo. When I got there, the airplane I had booked had suddenly gone hors de combat . My instructor said not to worry, we'd take one of the 172's. My hopes for solo sank.
Off we went. Twenty minutes in the practice area doing air work, then back to the airport, two landings later he told me to take him back to the FBO. He got out and said, "...its' all yours, do two touch & go's and a full stop". I did. He was waiting with the scissors.... No, there isn't a great deal of difference.
In looking back over my log books, some 8,400+ hours later, I can only find two other entries for the C-150 after that day.