C-207 Airship Commander- Alaska


Well-Known Member
June 25, 2014

Website: http://www.renfrosalaskanadventure

From climbto350

Some place called Renfro's Alaskan Adventures looking for a 207 pilot. Asking 1000TT 500 PIC. Says housing is provided as well as in state jumpseat agreements. Nothing about pay or schedule. Based in Bethel.
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Not a bad place to work from what I've heard. Last time I was in bethel they were running a couple beech 18s so the upgrade could be pretty cool. They also had a maule or two. Bethel is, well, Bethel...
Not a bad place to work from what I've heard. Last time I was in bethel they were running a couple beech 18s so the upgrade could be pretty cool. They also had a maule or two. Bethel is, well, Bethel...
I know they wrecked one Beech 18, and havent seen the other one flying.
Not a bad place to work from what I've heard. Last time I was in bethel they were running a couple beech 18s so the upgrade could be pretty cool. They also had a maule or two. Bethel is, well, Bethel...
It sounded like a hellhole from the guy I knew who worked there.
I stand very corrected. I guess I should have added I haven't been in Bethel since last year.
Bethel is a horrific hellscape. The only people who "love" living here are people with no social skills who can't get along in the civilized world or have political views so bassackwards that even the tea party would shun them. (or locals who unfortunately have little options/desire for bettering themselves and leaving)