Bull Run Battle Field, Manassas


Well-Known Member
I had three days in Manassas and decided to enjoy the sites. After we walked around the battle fields and looking at the historical houses and reading the plaques we sat around at Bull Run Winery. Nice place.

The Stone house still has a cannon ball lodged in it as well as a shell sticking out of the side.


Union Army cannons facing the Confederate cannons

An 85 year old lady was killed when her home was shelled because soldiers were using it as a snipers perch.

These cannons are just as they were left during the Civil War....facing her house.

Relaxing at Bull Run Winery.
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My brother and I spent a day there a few years ago, it's a fascinating place. I had no idea that was where "Stonewall" Jackson earned his nickname.
The thing about the Manassas Battlefield is that it really only shows the positions of the armies early in the afternoon of July 21st.

This would be the position of the controversial "Stonewall".

One thing I have always taken away from that battle are the names of lower ranking officers that would later help shape the course of the War and how much both technology and tactics changed between this battle and in Grant's Overland Campaign just 3 years later.