Bog's Recent Trip Pics


New Member
Bog\'s Recent Trip Pics

Thanks for posting the cool pics while you were at Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Sure does look like a nice place! Nice close-up of the "strange bug!"

Keep the pics coming!
Re: Bog\'s Recent Trip Pics

I've made three or four trips to Ely in the last six months, and hope to make a few more with this same customer. Looks like a great area, I just wish I had more time to get a good look around. Maybe I'll try to talk the customer into staying over for a day or two next trip!
Re: Bog\'s Recent Trip Pics

Great pictures... I did the same trip about 7 years ago, and it brought back a lot of memories. Would definitely recommend to anyone..
Re: Bog\'s Recent Trip Pics

Seems like a great place to get in touch with nature. never went camping before.
Is there a still a crap load of "army" flies up there? I was up there about 3 years ago, and they released all these flies up there to take care of their insect larve problem that was killing the trees. Those flies were supposed to die off in two years. Im curious if they really did?

They were in between the size of a black fly and horse fly, and they dont bite.
I do remember there being quite a few black flies, but nothing more than what I'd expect. From what I recall, these were biters, too.