Block Altitudes vs. Cruise Clearance


Well-Known Member
I heard a block of altitudes given the other day to an aircraft. So my thought was, what is the difference between a block of altitudes allowed by ATC and a cruise clearance?

Is it just the fact that the aircraft can not descend below the base of the block whereas a cruise clearance will allow the pilot to descend all the way down to the MEA?
I heard a block of altitudes given the other day to an aircraft. So my thought was, what is the difference between a block of altitudes allowed by ATC and a cruise clearance?

Is it just the fact that the aircraft can not descend below the base of the block whereas a cruise clearance will allow the pilot to descend all the way down to the MEA?

With a cruise clearance you can descend down to the airport and conduct the approach. The typical "Cruise Clearance" we got going into Palau from Honolulu Radio was, " Far Eastern 001 Cleared to cruise FL350, report on the ground Palau".

For more info look at the Pilot/Controller Glossary in the AIM.

Block altitude, you're restricted to your requested/assigned block. Cruise clearance, you're not necessarily restricted to a particular block.
Just remember, if you've been given a cruise clearance, once you REPORT leaving an altitude for lower, you cannot go back up to that altitude. If you DON'T report, you can return to any of the altitudes covered in your cruise clearance.