Actually, statistically, the "Bermuda Triangle" has no more incidence of any mishaps than any other area as a percentage of operations. It is a fairly high traffic area for as much open water as there is there, which is likely the main reason there have been several well known events. I have flown thru the region many times, there is absolutely NO concern or even mention of it by any government authorities or airline operations people. It is only a concern for those that think that Area 51 has anything more than U.S. military flight test stuff in it and similarly gullible people.
I had to laugh recently when I caught a snip of a show on the Bermuda triangle that stated that it was directly opposite an area near Japan that had similar "events". Next time you see a globe, take a look at what's on the opposite side from the the "Bermuda triangle" and see how accurate that television whacko was... ;-)
Incidentally, while on the topic, I have flown all over the world at all hours for almost 20 years and have NEVER seen anything that could not be explained by known science, no UFOs, nada, nothing! I just flat out do not believe in any of it, although I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.