Beginner Starting ATP 100 hour fast track

ATP has a high checkride bust rate. You might score some good instructors but most want to get their hours and get the hell out. They make between 7 and 12 bucks a flight hour and get paid $0 for ground. That means zero incentive to go the extra mile if you don't understand something. Instructors are overworked and underpaid and unfortunately that trickles down to you, the student/customer. You are young with plenty of time. Go to a Mom and Pop school and actually enjoy the ride. There is no "Fun flying" at ATP. If you value being as safe and knowledgable pilot as possible do yourself a favor and stay away. Not a good idea to pay up front whoever you end the way I speak from experience.

The instructors get paid a 1000 a month for ground
The instructors get paid a 1000 a month for ground
This is correct. In practice, though, it's more akin to "min guarantee" in the airline world as most Instructors will not want to spend a whole lot of time with out outside of the aircraft, unless you have questions regarding the self-study materials or future lessons, scheduling, etc.