We had a (supposed) snowstorm last weekend. Beginning Thursday night, the TV weatherpeople started talking like friggin' Armageddon was going to smack KC upside the head. Even the National Wx Service was calling for 10-15 inches of snow. Several stations were saying "at least a foot, maybe a foot and a half."
(as an aside, I've lived here my whole life and the biggest snowstorm we ever had in my lifetime was 14 inches, over 10 years ago, a big snowstorm for us is 6 or 7 and that happens maybe once every 2 years)
Anyhow, they started creating banners that went across the bottom of the screen while they were talking about our impending disaster, entitled "Super Storm 2004" or the like (seriously!)
What did that create? The grocery stores, beginning Friday, were so packed that people had to park on side streets because the parking lots were full. I usually grocery shop on Sunday, and since it was supposed to hit overnight Saturday, I did so on Saturday morning. I waited in line for 30 MINUTES. Bread? Out. Milk? good thing I drink skim, because that was almost all that was left. Sale items? All gone. The wait at Wal-mart for an oil change was 6 HOURS (my sister tried to get her truck in).
It was nuts. Gas stations were a mess, bank looked like it was having a going-out-of-business sale...you get the picture. So, does it come as any surprise that they said on the radio this morning that Kansas City had the largest share of viewers (per capita) watching the Super Bowl? Yeah, because no one went anywhere!
So this storm. What actually happened, you ask? Well, the VERY warm air that had been aloft all week stayed that way, and we had freezing rain. Then some sleet. Then on Sunday, it just rained all afternoon. It in fact melted some of our existing snow, and we had less on the ground than before "Super Storm 2004!" hit. It changed briefly to snow Monday AM. Because the temps were near freezing, the road crews had an easy go of getting salt down and the roads were seldom worse than just wet with some slush between the tire tracks. We got ONE HALF OF ONE INCH of snow, with a bunch of slushy ice underneath it.
So much for "Super Storm 2004!"
THAT'S been the big news story this week - how badly they screwed the forecast up, and ruined all the bar business on Sunday for the game!