Background Checks and Verification

Off In The Jungle

Well-Known Member
Hey Folks,

I may be jumping from the 91 to the 121 or 135 side of the fence before the year is done and trying to assemble all my personal info from the last ten years. I have lived in five different places over four states and held drivers licenses in all four. I have been to four different post high school schools and have my transcripts from them as well.

So here is my question: How did you guys assemble all the move in/move out dates, any moving violations from 6 years ago in another state, etc.?

Is there a way to streamline the process?

I have the paperwork from all the states to request drivers license checks. I have a document to request employment history from social security. I am still trying to figure out a reputable place to get my old addresses, which one i cannot find, and my dates are not exact in my mind.

I want to make sure there are no inconsistencies in my application. I have nothing to hide, I just dont want to estimate a date of moving in somewhere, or forget a tail light out ticket some 6 years ago, and then it look like I am trying to hide something.

That and all these services add up in cost very quickly, so of there was a good, singular method for these things, i would be willing to pay a fair price for the service.
Just do the best you can. Theres no secret background check that an employer can do that will bring up anything you don't already know. If you don't have an exact date get as close as you can. I've lived in 8 states, 2 countries and had about 10 jobs in the last 10 years. I can't remember half the places I lived or the exact dates I moved in and out of places. I've worked 135/121 and never had a problem with anyone.
As far as old addresses I would suggest getting a copy of your 3 (free) credit reports. I pulled my last week, it has addresses on there, some right, some wrong but it might help to jog the memory. I also wouldn't waste my time with the SS office. You know where you've worked. You know approximately when you worked there. Thats all you can do. If your off a month no one is going to know anyways.
Do your best. Thats all you do.
Do your best and put in what you have. Don't worry about it. If they find any discrepancies that are questionable they will ask.