Awesome event this year!


Well-Known Member
The last time I attended was 2007. It was good that year, but this year beat the pants off it.

The things I especially liked:
-Everyone able to stay in one place. in '07 we were spread amongst all the hotels on the strip. The main event was in the Bellagio, but rooms were pricey. Being all together really gave more of an opportunity to meet everyone and plan things together.

-Career Fair. Just top notch professional this time and I am sure the biggest draw to the event.

Things I would change:
-Last minute time changes. I know it happens and am not knocking it, but I never caught the MGM tour change until it was too late. I also REALLY wanted to attend the Stewardship/Pay it Forward seminar but had something else going when the time changed. Again, really not a huge deal.

Things for next time:
-If you have a Jetcareers screen name, big bold letters on your name badge. It stops that whole "soooo who are you on Jetcareers?" lol

All just my .02. The bottom line is that this was just an amazing event and people that have not attended really should re-think it for next year. The pros of networking are often underscored.

Thanks as always to Doug and Kristie for putting SO much hard work into this. Every time I look at my blue "Pay it Forward" wristband I get goose bumps thinking about how great it is to be a part of something like this.

To everyone else I met.....It was truly a pleasure!
One of these days I have to make it out to one of these.... this year there was no way it was happening unfortunately.

One question though Doug, just because we all read about all the work you and Kristie put into this: was this event in the black for you guys?
I think we should all make T-shirts with our screen name, title, avatar, and post count :D
The last time I attended was 2007. It was good that year, but this year beat the pants off it.

I agree, J. And the one thing you said to me over and over again should be the motto of JC: "If I can help you with anything, just let me know"

I think we should all make T-shirts with our screen name, title, avatar, and post count :D

+1, for sure...I'll just make a screenshot of the left side of the screen.
I think we should all make T-shirts with our screen name, title, avatar, and post count

I agree, J. And the one thing you said to me over and over again should be the motto of JC: "If I can help you with anything, just let me know"

+1, for sure...I'll just make a screenshot of the left side of the screen.

And the Failboat Captain should get some special hat or shirt he, or she, has to wear for the next event. :)
The last time I attended was 2007. It was good that year, but this year beat the pants off it.

The things I especially liked:
-Everyone able to stay in one place. in '07 we were spread amongst all the hotels on the strip. The main event was in the Bellagio, but rooms were pricey. Being all together really gave more of an opportunity to meet everyone and plan things together.

-Career Fair. Just top notch professional this time and I am sure the biggest draw to the event.

Things I would change:
-Last minute time changes. I know it happens and am not knocking it, but I never caught the MGM tour change until it was too late. I also REALLY wanted to attend the Stewardship/Pay it Forward seminar but had something else going when the time changed. Again, really not a huge deal.

Things for next time:
-If you have a Jetcareers screen name, big bold letters on your name badge. It stops that whole "soooo who are you on Jetcareers?" lol

All just my .02. The bottom line is that this was just an amazing event and people that have not attended really should re-think it for next year. The pros of networking are often underscored.

Thanks as always to Doug and Kristie for putting SO much hard work into this. Every time I look at my blue "Pay it Forward" wristband I get goose bumps thinking about how great it is to be a part of something like this.

To everyone else I met.....It was truly a pleasure!

You must not have seen my badge then. I had a lot of people laughing saying "oh so thats what you call yourself huh?"