ATC "violation" question


New Member
Hi folks, I'm new here, but thought this seemed like a good place to ask this type of question. A friend of mine sent me a recorded news report (unfortunatly I can't find it anymore) of the following scenario:

While at JFK a controller gets very angry with an Asian pilot and actually demands that the pilot stop the another scenario a controller "flips out" on an International pilot (I believe it was Air France but I'm not positive) for casuing a runway incursion...

My question is, is when an International pilot does something wrong - does the FAA send the pilot's corresponding country's regulatory brach the violation? For example, say an American pilot makes a mistake in...Germany for example. Does the German version of our FAA send something to the US FAA? I know that may sound confusing, but I could try to rephrase it if nobody can understand me...I just was wondering. Thanks.
From very little information I have, earlier this year, EVA cargo(Taiwan based airline) took off from taxiway at Anchorage, AK. By the time, they landed at RCTP, both pilots were suspended for awhile. FAA does report the violations to foreign countries.
The answer really depends on the origin of the flight crews certificates. Some nations are more focused on enforcement then others. Generally the FAA will work through ICAO to resolve violation issues with foreign pilots. Europe is very cooperative and Asia has become more and more cooperative over the past several years. South America remains a tough area for enforcement, I know of a few fairly severe issues with flight crews from some South American nations and nothing ever came of it.