ATC college


Well-Known Member
I just found out about this school, they would allow me to become an ATC for basically only taking 10 courses. I already have a business degree, so this would work out great. I'm not sure if its what I want to do, but its definitely a possibility, and wouldn't take that long to do. Any thoughts on this program?
Visit, join their forum, and ask the question there.

From my knowledge, Vaughn's program is one of the lesser known programs. You should be able to find someone at ATCCTI that has attended, or is presently attending.

Knock yourself out. You'd be able to make more money by just using that Business degree. . .but whatever.
I just found out about this school, they would allow me to become an ATC for basically only taking 10 courses. I already have a business degree, so this would work out great. I'm not sure if its what I want to do, but its definitely a possibility, and wouldn't take that long to do. Any thoughts on this program?

Hey igneous, I just started checking out some info on the AT-CTI schools. Have you looked to see if any of the other schools have a similar accelerated program for people that already have degrees?
Knock yourself out. You'd be able to make more money by just using that Business degree. . .but whatever.

Hey Surreal, if these are the types of comments you are going to make, why don't you head on over to flightinfo or anywhere else really.
Hey Surreal, if these are the types of comments you are going to make, why don't you head on over to flightinfo or anywhere else really.

Why's that? Are you a CTI student? Are you a CTI graduate? That now will no longer accept a position with the FAA because of their latest angst?

I didn't think so.

Middle Tennessee State University has a nationally recognized one as far as I know.

MTSU's program is right up there with ERAU and UND. If you have four years, or even 3 1/2 to dispense go for it. You won't regret it.
Why's that? Are you a CTI student? Are you a CTI graduate? That now will no longer accept a position with the FAA because of their latest angst?

I didn't think so.

Well, you are obviously one of the newest goons to join us here at JC. I won't respond to your post due to you continued lack of tact and maturity. My point was simply BE NICE or please, go somewhere else.:)
gosh and I hate how everyone says that pilots are cocky. That's so false! : P As far as ATC programs... In my experience colleges/universities that offer ATC programs just pretty much grease the wheels for you to take a test to become an air traffic controller. You study whatever the program has you study (a lot of the time it's rules/operating procedures or training material from a local tracon. Or a tower somewhere where your instructor knows someone and is able to get an old training manual. Remember every center,tower,etc has different procedures) Then when you graduate, you take this test with the FAA (ATSAT...sp?) and they decide whether or not to hire you and ship you off to OK. city for the real training. So It's kind of like training on all of Nissan's policies to hopefully get a job working at whichever vehicle plant you can get your hands on when you're done. So when you start at Ford, you have to learn all of their rules instead. Bad analogy but you get the idea. As far as I know, joe-Schmoe off the street can go take the ATSAT if he wants (as long as he's not over 35.... the age limit for becoming a controller). So it's not like you NEED a college/university program to become a controller. You'll also find that the biggest program is a 2yr program and even that's a stretch.
gosh and I hate how everyone says that pilots are cocky. That's so false! : P As far as ATC programs... In my experience colleges/universities that offer ATC programs just pretty much grease the wheels for you to take a test to become an air traffic controller. You study whatever the program has you study (a lot of the time it's rules/operating procedures or training material from a local tracon. Or a tower somewhere where your instructor knows someone and is able to get an old training manual. Remember every center,tower,etc has different procedures) Then when you graduate, you take this test with the FAA (ATSAT...sp?) and they decide whether or not to hire you and ship you off to OK. city for the real training. So It's kind of like training on all of Nissan's policies to hopefully get a job working at whichever vehicle plant you can get your hands on when you're done. So when you start at Ford, you have to learn all of their rules instead. Bad analogy but you get the idea. As far as I know, joe-Schmoe off the street can go take the ATSAT if he wants (as long as he's not over 35.... the age limit for becoming a controller). So it's not like you NEED a college/university program to become a controller. You'll also find that the biggest program is a 2yr program and even that's a stretch.

Hmm. . .

And the fact that the FAA does not (presently) hire off the street for ATCS positions. . . nor are they increasing the number of DoD or retired Military controllers that they are hiring. . . so yes. . . it's pretty much CTI training, or you join the military and plan to seperate once you have a CTO and a couple radar certifications (6 - 8 years).