AT-SAT/CPC Correlations


Well-Known Member
This data would be hard to find and who knows if it even exists but does anyone know if people who score very high such as 95+ on the AT-SAT generally have more success in their facilities, or if the AT-SAT is not that great of a predictor of overall performance? Since I doubt a study like this is available to the public I wonder if any on the job trainers have recognized differences in performance of trainees with different degree of AT-SAT scores.
This data would be hard to find and who knows if it even exists but does anyone know if people who score very high such as 95+ on the AT-SAT generally have more success in their facilities, or if the AT-SAT is not that great of a predictor of overall performance? Since I doubt a study like this is available to the public I wonder if any on the job trainers have recognized differences in performance of trainees with different degree of AT-SAT scores.

I'd say it's directly proportional to becoming a CPC, unless you're VRA or CTI.

(get it?)
I'd say it would depend on facility level. I don't think any OTS regarless of score is going to check out at A80, LAX, LGA or C90. If we're talking 95% vs 75% at a level 8 up down, sure I could imagine there is a correlation. Most of the ATSAT tests are flawed IMO. I mean converting Kilometers to get time and distance...come on. The only time I need that are same route airplanes and it stands to reason that if you're going the same way a similar speed restriction is going to knock you down to a similar speed. Aside from that, we don't even use KPH...I don't care if you're flying at 350 KPH true airspeed and the guy behind you wants 370..or knots for that matter. I don't care what the wind is. TAS is TAS.
I'd say it would depend on facility level. I don't think any OTS regarless of score is going to check out at A80, LAX, LGA or C90. If we're talking 95% vs 75% at a level 8 up down, sure I could imagine there is a correlation. Most of the ATSAT tests are flawed IMO. I mean converting Kilometers to get time and distance...come on. The only time I need that are same route airplanes and it stands to reason that if you're going the same way a similar speed restriction is going to knock you down to a similar speed. Aside from that, we don't even use KPH...I don't care if you're flying at 350 KPH true airspeed and the guy behind you wants 370..or knots for that matter. I don't care what the wind is. TAS is TAS.

It is talking about knots, not kilometers. Of course, using KPH for knots per hour is a redundant term in itself.
It is talking about knots, not kilometers. Of course, using KPH for knots per hour is a redundant term in itself.
Back when I took it it wanted KPH and a Knot conversion. Didn't mean to spread any misinformation there.
The research department (CAMI) does not have any solid data on this yet since time has not run its course yet since they have started using the current version of the ATSAT. My class had to sit through a presentation on this today....
Hope not. My ATSAT score was crap. Ask me in 1.5 years or so

Hehe.... One of the CTI guys that joined our class after they split us up for Stafford scored a 70. He could work the snot out of the simulator though...

Anyways... FM_Weasel..... I'm glad we all made it. Good luck brother.:panic: one at the academy cares what your atsat score is....
As an OJTI, who in the last year has been involved in the training of eight different devs, I'd say the score on the AT-SAT matters zero. Zilch. None.

Just my opinion.
You can shave an ape and teach them this job, it all a matter of time. Time is money, how much have you got to spend?
I would rather take the time and effort to help a trainee that I can endure spending an 8 hour shift working next to, than wondering what they scored on the ATSAT.
Scores on the ATSAT mean absolutely nothing! The FAA has to justify the billions of dollars that they are wasting, "well, we ah, hired somebody to design this ATC test thng as an indicator of success, and, uh, we paid them like milliions of dollars, uh, and then we uh, like tested all these people, and uh, then we gave them this MMPI thing, and uh, had them piss in a jar, so ah, we think that these are the best people for the job".

Let's have the military screen our employees, we will hire VRA's, they are the best people for this job.
Let's have the colleges screen our employees, we will hire CTI's they will be the best people for this job.
Not enough ATC's in the pipeline, let's go back to off the street hiring... Great, either way, the FAA is hiring TRAINEES!

This agency is run by idiots, I love my job, but hate management.
Sorry, my stupidvisor is another of the one year wonder FPL/CPC's that knows what it takes to make this agency better, has no gag reflex, koolaid swilling, weak stick controller, couldn't seperate the cheeks of their buttocks with both hands and written instructions, that is steering this agency off the cliff. What I should do is just retire, I'm elligible. Just waiting two more weeks... Pat said we'll hear something in two more weeks (Feb 20, 2009).