At-cti & at-sat


Well-Known Member
Hey! I am currently in my Junior (3rd) year and enrolled in Vaughn College of Aeronautics and have taken the Air Traffic Control courses under my degree program of B.S. in Aircraft Ops, I'm just wondering when can I take the AT-SAT exam? What pre-requisites do I need before I take the test? & Can I take the test a certain time period before I graduate? Lastly, I've been doing research on it but I have been so time consumed with flying trying to get my instrument rating & classes that every time I try to find a website that answers my doesnt, so any insight will be great

thanks a lot
appreciate it
For CTI students, the school determines when you'll be taking the AT-SAT. Some make you wait until the end of your time there. Since it's a make or break thing, I guess they want to make sure they squeeze all the money out of you before you take it... after all, who's going to want to continue in a CTI program if they didn't nail a high enough score on the test? Sleazy.

Anyway, there are no prerequisites whatsoever. There are some free prep materials over at StuckMic and, and a couple of books and websites you can pay for. I wouldn't bother with them until a month or two out from the test. It's not like the SAT, where you need a long prep time, but taking advantage of the study materials will give you an edge in that you'll know what to expect.