Astar is done.


The Great Gazoo
Sucks. The DC-8s are parked and the pilots sent home. DHL has finally put the last nail in the coffin.
Dasberg (sp?) got his money from DHL. The end game was played out.

Very sad. Pilots with 20+ years got hosed. For those that don't know, for years Astar WAS DHL, until it was bought by Deutsch Post. Then all the machinations began, and when you saw them down to DC-8s only, everyone knew.

Just talked to a friend who (as of yesterday was furloughed) from World. A 65-year old company seemingly on deaths' door.

As well as Ryan Int'l.
I guess I have been lucky (or someone was watching out for me). I had chance at a DHL interview in 87 but didn't go cause I had just got a job right seat in a Convair that week. I got turned down by World in 89 after not being able to land the DC10 sim too well.
Damn. I heard from a ground handler they were headed to Kingman last week. Sad.
Dasberg (sp?) got his money from DHL. The end game was played out.

Very sad. Pilots with 20+ years got hosed. For those that don't know, for years Astar WAS DHL, until it was bought by Deutsch Post. Then all the machinations began, and when you saw them down to DC-8s only, everyone knew.

Just talked to a friend who (as of yesterday was furloughed) from World. A 65-year old company seemingly on deaths' door.

As well as Ryan Int'l.
Abex isn't doing so hot either.
A really good friend of mine flew 727-200s for them before they were all retired from the fleet. He was officially "no longer furloughed" as of last week. Sucks. :(
Nah. Writing was on the wall for a long time. DHL just finally finished them off within the last week.

DHL is just a big bundle of contracted work. Not even the heavies own their flying. As a result being at places such as Abex, Atlas, ATI, ect could cause some career headaches down the road.
Yeah, I knew DHL was a lost cause even back in 2002 when I first became interested in aviation for a living. I didn't realize a lot of the others were still around on DHL contracts.
Nah. Writing was on the wall for a long time. DHL just finally finished them off within the last week.

DHL is just a big bundle of contracted work. Not even the heavies own their flying. As a result being at places such as Abex, Atlas, ATI, ect could cause some career headaches down the road.

Can't be any worse then the UPS shuffle.
I used to load the ABX DC-9's in MHT, and my brother was line mx for ABX in ALB and BOS, and it was so sad to see what DHL did to that company. I had a dream of flying for them someday.....
I used to load the ABX DC-9's in MHT, and my brother was line mx for ABX in ALB and BOS, and it was so sad to see what DHL did to that company. I had a dream of flying for them someday.....

I hope it doesn't happen to other DHL carriers but the history does make me wonder how long places like Atlas have before DHL starts giving runs to another carrier.
I guess I have been lucky (or someone was watching out for me). I had chance at a DHL interview in 87 but didn't go cause I had just got a job right seat in a Convair that week. I got turned down by World in 89 after not being able to land the DC10 sim too well.
I can't land any sim too well!
Nah. Writing was on the wall for a long time. DHL just finally finished them off within the last week.

DHL is just a big bundle of contracted work. Not even the heavies own their flying. As a result being at places such as Abex, Atlas, ATI, ect could cause some career headaches down the road.

DHL practically invented the whipsaw in Europe, before RJs were off the drawing board.