Re: Asim, how\'s the CIA treating you?
Heh, hey guys
Nice to see I'm not yet a distant memory in VRB. I rather miss the place. I'll have to check this board more frequently now, I hadn't checked in weeks and Mr. Lump gave me a pleasant surprise with the heads up. Uh oh, Dave, that whole espionage thing was supposed to be a covert op, now I'll have to kill you...
I hope you, MV and my old Crew mate Mr. Diver are all CFIIs by now, you know some of us are living vicariously through you guys. For my part, I ran decidedly short of money, (all those 4B lessons I repeated really took their toll).
So I've been trying to scrape and scrimp enough to get back in the game and I'll probably just do my CFI up here at West Chicago to save money. Still trying to get my Commercial Single-Engine addon done, how much did that cost you guys at FSI, if u don't mind me asking? And how are things in general over there, any good news on the employment front? Feel free to give me a call, my new cell number is 630-779-2735. Say Hi to EK, Mark, Rick, Kyle and the rest. I still owe you a good curry recipe, Sean.
Ever Yours,