Which is one of the reasons I personally, when on final approach, won't push the props full forward for a potential go around, but advance them to their climb setting, hence one less lever to have to move on the go. On go around, I just advance the throttles full, and the props are set. Personal technique.
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Help me with this one. In a go around you want max performace which will require takeoff power and prop settings until you reach a safe altitude to reduce it again. This may also be a piper product specific setting, but four of my complex POH's (the only 4 complex aircraft I have flown) - Commanche, Arrow III, Saratoga SP, & Seminole all specifiy prop full forward for a go around. The Arrow III and Seminole specify props full forward as part of the final approach check list as well.
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My reasoning behind this one is that, to me, there's not that much extra power gained behind the extra 100 or so RPM of having the props full forward. And an average go-around is simply a maneuver to get you climbing again, nothing too overly exciting, unless it's maybe Telluride, CO in the middle of summer with a full load of pax and fuel. But that's generally my idea behind my technique.