Are you married?


New Member
Just call me curious.
Wow, mostly single people so far. Is that cause the married people haven't answered yet ot there are really that many more of them? Hmm. Interesting. And 2 poligamists. Shame on you. LOL.
Married... to aviation.

3 polygamists, cool. One of my closest friends was next in line to be the 'grand wizard' of one of the largest polygamist clans in the west. Needless to say he, along with the rest of his family got the hell out of dodge.

We often visit his relatives in Montana that still live in the community. Everyone is super nice and treats you like family. Very cool people, not weird at all.
Not married, but very involved with a wonderful girl that goes by skibum515. On her computer right now while she's out at her mother's birthday actually.


John Herreshoff
I tried to vote (in several polls), but it said there already is a vote from my id. Unless I suffer from amnesia or have a twin, why does this keep happening?

Anyways, Im single and confussed.
I am lucky to have a very understanding other half. We only have like one day a week with each other so my schedule later will be no worry.
Sky Girl I have no idea why it's doing that, maybe one of the other members is hiding out under your bed?? LOL. Sorry it didn't work for you.
as single as they come. i probably move around too much too. Montana - Seattle - Portland - who knows where to next!!
I got married just a couple months ago. That's why you all haven't seen me post much lately. Women take up a lot of free time.
I got married in May of this year. You are right, they do take alot of time. Luckily , my wife is pretty low maintenance. As long as I check under the hood pretty regularly every thing is fine.
I was married....then got divorced....then I was in a pretty darn serious relationship.....then she dumped

But do you know what I found??? I had soooooo much time for me when I was alone!!! It was incredible!!! I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted.....listen to what I wanted to in the what I what I was awesome!!!! However, going to sleep alone sucks.....

So, I guess you kind of have to take the good with the bad. Don't wanna be dumped again, but I've definately learned that I'm number one....
Is that cause the married people haven't answered yet

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They're all too busy chasing their kids around to be spending time on the internet :P
Wow, mostly single people so far. Is that cause the married people haven't answered yet

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They got fed up and gave up on aviation a lonnnngg time ago....
OK I'll chime in, I am Married, very happily Married. My wife supports my endeavours 100%. Not only is she a wife of a pilot, but she is an ARMY Wife!!! We have been married almost 13 yrs. and the biggest argument we have ever had, had to deal with my being so busy I was neglecting to rake the leaves in the yard( she wasn't mad about me being busy, she just didn't like the leaves pileing up in the yard). She isn't always happy with my schedule but she knows it is what I do to pay the bills and allow us to do the things that are important in our family( Son age 11teen, Daughters ages 9 and 4 ). She also knows it is what I Love to do. My wife doesn't work outside the home so it allows us to maximize my off time and spend that time togther. I wouldn't be where I am today without her support and love.