Approach Plates Question


New Member
What does "Procedure NA for Arrival on DPK VOR/DME via airway radials 349 CW 053 mean on GPS 19 at FRG or "NoPT for arrivals on CCC airways radials 057 CW 193" on ILS 24 ISP? There are plenty of plates out there that has similar information.

For DPK my interpretation is that if you're flying on any radial between 340 and 053 clockwise I can't use DPK as a feeder route and same for CCC?
What does "Procedure NA for Arrival on DPK VOR/DME via airway radials 349 CW 053 mean on GPS 19 at FRG

The turn is too sharp in order to get established on the feeder route from the airway.

or "NoPT for arrivals on CCC airways radials 057 CW 193" on ILS 24 ISP?

I expect that's a chart error. There is no PT on the chart, so NoPT doesn't make sense. The note should read "Procedure NA ...." for the same reason as above.
For DPK my interpretation is that if you're flying on any radial between 340 and 053 clockwise I can't use DPK as a feeder route and same for CCC?
Your basic reading is correct. "CW" means clockwise.

But while I agree with tgrayson on there being a chart error since there's no PT on the chart to begin with, I'm not so sure that it should read "not available" unless it was "193 CW 57." Why would an airplane coming in from the east have too steep a turn?

I wonder whether there used to be a PT on the chart so the error is a holdover. Or they really messed it up and no one notices because the chances of not be vectored for an approach in NY Approach airspace is pretty minimal.