Just got back from the Expo.
Pros and Cons
Nice to see all the venders, and look at some of the new jets that are out. Including one kick-butt fighter looking jet that will be sold to the average business man pilot... (methinks insuring it might be difficult)
Big bonus... Telling Exxon-Mobil Chick that Exxon made a huge mistake by changing the design of their bottles. They became less user friendly, and I switched back to Aero-shell as a result. Then telling the same thing to the guys from Aero -shell, and watching them snicker at the bad choice from Exxon..
Picking up avlabs oil analysis kits for half price. (2 for 20$)
16$ to park for 2 hours?
60$ for the two of us going inside the Expo. ….. Um Hello? Aren’t we members? Shouldn’t we be invited in as a GUEST???!!!! Who is making money from this? AOPA that’s who.
Poor direction and set up from the Expo/convention center Staff. Registration (not noted anywhere no signs or anything..) on a separate floor, found out when entering the exhibit hall when the security guard shooed away 20-30 people. (upstairs make a left.... Oh no that is a different convention, the OTHER left.. and down the hall a bit... No thru that one open door, no we don't need no stinkin sign....)
Providing AOPA all your information just to get in (Hey we are members…. Remember us? You have all that already) I wonder how many other peoples besides Mrs Eagle signed in as John and Jane Doe.
And the Static display which should have been at NE Philadelphia airport a nice class D, was where? YEP YOU GO IT….PHL Class B airport. Give me a f’n break. It is difficult enough o get to the airport when you need to travel,…
Next year Long Beach Ca., I’ll stay home thank youverymuch.
Pros and Cons
Nice to see all the venders, and look at some of the new jets that are out. Including one kick-butt fighter looking jet that will be sold to the average business man pilot... (methinks insuring it might be difficult)
Big bonus... Telling Exxon-Mobil Chick that Exxon made a huge mistake by changing the design of their bottles. They became less user friendly, and I switched back to Aero-shell as a result. Then telling the same thing to the guys from Aero -shell, and watching them snicker at the bad choice from Exxon..
Picking up avlabs oil analysis kits for half price. (2 for 20$)
16$ to park for 2 hours?
60$ for the two of us going inside the Expo. ….. Um Hello? Aren’t we members? Shouldn’t we be invited in as a GUEST???!!!! Who is making money from this? AOPA that’s who.
Poor direction and set up from the Expo/convention center Staff. Registration (not noted anywhere no signs or anything..) on a separate floor, found out when entering the exhibit hall when the security guard shooed away 20-30 people. (upstairs make a left.... Oh no that is a different convention, the OTHER left.. and down the hall a bit... No thru that one open door, no we don't need no stinkin sign....)
Providing AOPA all your information just to get in (Hey we are members…. Remember us? You have all that already) I wonder how many other peoples besides Mrs Eagle signed in as John and Jane Doe.
And the Static display which should have been at NE Philadelphia airport a nice class D, was where? YEP YOU GO IT….PHL Class B airport. Give me a f’n break. It is difficult enough o get to the airport when you need to travel,…
Next year Long Beach Ca., I’ll stay home thank youverymuch.