Anyone see Shamu lately?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Just wondering if SWA's Shamu was still flying around? We had a planespotting conversation at work today, and realized we haven't seen Shamu for almost a year and a half now. If so, would anybody happen to have any pictures they'd be willing to post?

Thanks alot in advance.
My friend flew one of the Shamu's from CRP-HOU a few weeks ago; he knows I like the special paint schemes so I usually get a call when he's flying one of them.

Have you searched for any recent photos?
Hi all,

Just wondering if SWA's Shamu was still flying around? We had a planespotting conversation at work today, and realized we haven't seen Shamu for almost a year and a half now. If so, would anybody happen to have any pictures they'd be willing to post?

Thanks alot in advance.

It was parked on ORF's ramp at 3am this morning (when we landed).
I've flown on that plane.

its scared me as a 6 or 7 yr old to be walking into a whale I was going to Florida to see... :panic:
Giant cat ate it.

Hi all,

Just wondering if SWA's Shamu was still flying around? We had a planespotting conversation at work today, and realized we haven't seen Shamu for almost a year and a half now. If so, would anybody happen to have any pictures they'd be willing to post?

Thanks alot in advance.

Not lately...but I did have a student flip out mid flare at BWI because he saw it landing on the parallel. Kid stopped everything he was doing to point it out to me. I bout slapped him.
I saw one parked at MDW, then I saw one landing on the parallel to me (I was 31L, he was 31C, we got a really good view)