I don't know how close you are to 1200 but climbto350 has a posted for a Baron pilot as of today in Houston, Unfortunately theres no number and no way to contact other than through the site. Sorry I can't be of more help but hopefully someone in the area can maybe chime and we can figure out who it is...
My recommendation is get your 1200 and 135 minimums that will open a lot of new doors for you... good luck.
No leads through Simuflite?
Do they pay you at Simuflight?
ouch thats painful.
Yeah pretty much about the type, but I still wouldnt work for free doing what I do.
(copilot at FSI)
You can fly VFR only with those times, just crack 1200 before IFR.Thanks HVYMETAL. I acctually did see that posted on climbto350. I didn't even bother applying cause I know he needs 1200 for 135 operations. I have 1100 and change, should be at 135 mins in a couple months. Thanks again!