Any October starts on here?


'Not a new member'
Just wondering if anyone else here is signed up for the October PPL class? Last I heard there are 15 people so far, with 3 from the Guana Air Force, 2 from Nigeria Airlines, 1 guy from Porto Rico, a shella from the UK and the rest from around the US, oh and most importaintly ME!
I'll start posting my 'Flying Turkey' type diary of my experences once I get there.

Have you arrived at Safety yet? If so, what do you think of the academy? Pretty nice huh? Be sure to keep us updated.

Good luck, and fly safe...ILS
'Oy Mate!
Do try to keep us posted with the Turkey, many including myself will enjoy the heads up. Of course, study comes before JC right? Good...

I'm sure the excitement is building as you near the moment you have been awaiting for so long, arrival to FSI campus.

Blue Skies...
Have you arrived at Safety yet?

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Not until October 1st, been flying around on lots of aircraft I don't think I've been on before though, (CRJ etc see my 'Snow Comes to the USA' post under the main forum)

Be sure to keep us updated

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Will do, at least weekly if not more frequent.
Nope, grounded. We are trying to sell with out an agent so we can leave until it's sold. It may take longer but for $10K it's worth it. We will be there as soon as it's sold but as Sept is coming to an end I am sure we have already missed Oct.
Sorry to hear that Wife, talk about sitting on edge with the clock ticking loudly, day by day. I know Corbin, the DH, is looking forward to getting started at FSI, and you are anxious to go shopping at the Target, so I hope things work out quickly for youz guys.

I'm currently waiting for results from bill payoffs to show on my credit reports, so I can apply for the Key loan and get statred soon. Most likely Jan. But each day I check the mail I'm looking for the good news that says it's safe to apply for the loan. I don't want to apply until I know these things are off the books, so I have a better chance of getting approved. So I can relate to your waiting game.
Sucks huh. We do have a Target here though, so that's not what I am waiting for. LOL. But it was funny nonetheless...I am waiting to get closer to my mom and sister. My sister is in Orlando and just had a baby this week that will need open heart surgery. I really want to get there so I can give her some support.
Yes, sucks. Sounds like you have several important reasons to get over to Fla.(soon) I hope things work out well for your sis and her baby. My thoughts are with you guys.

I remember on another thread you mentioned jokingly that Vero had a Target and something else, and I got a chuckle out of that.

What's your "mini bikers" name? He's gonna love the beach and daddy's airplanes when he visits the campus. Does Corbin ride a motorcycle?

Blue Skies...
He's on a jet ski, his name is Caleb.
Daddy would LIKE to ride a motorcycle but we can't afford one right now. The jet skis are his dads so we took them out for a day at the ever so disgusting Utah Lake. Caleb is actually on the ski while it's still on the trailer which is why it probably looks like a bike.

I was worried that since Vero was seemingly small that it would not have a Target or Wal Mart, so yes, I was thrilled that it has both. Of course it's not a Super Target, like we have out here in the "big" cities, but oh well.

I HOPE Caleb learns to like the beach. We went to Cape Canaveral while touring in FL and he hated it, but the waves were crashing pretty hard so maybe when it's calmer he'll have more fun. But he does already dig airplanes and points them out in the sky. He also said "Wow" over and over again when we were on our flights, which was cute at first, but after 10 minutes....Lol. Well he better like planes anyway, you should see the plane paraphenelia the poor kid has in his wardrobe and toy collection.
Well I'm happy to hear they have a BestBuy store there, so now I can get some cheap DVDs, only problem is I don't have a DVD player lol Hum I wonder if I can get a laptop with my loan money, I can put my simulator on it, that's educational use
There's a Best Buy too?!! Cool.
They have been topping my list recently for most of my pc and DVD needs lately. I was a Fry's junkie, but those 44 miles round trips to return defective pc gear is getting old.

When I get down to FSI Jan.if I don't get a place for just myself and select a roomie after moving out of the dorms, he or she is gonna love my toys! Fry's and Best Buy has been good to me. PC's built to the roof, 22.5" flat panel monitor, 50' Toshiba big screen for the living room, Bose system for the living room, and Bose on my pc too. Not bad. You should hear the pc rumble when I extend the landing gear or flaps! Got a CH Pro yoke and pedals too. It's fun. I spoil myself. Also got just about everything that the wings channel has aired, plus most of the flight deck videos. Love aviation.
Well don't even think about trying to move on with us! LOL. JK. That's just more fun then a married guy needs to have. LOL. I haven't ever heard of Fry's, here we have RC Willey and Ultimate Electronics, and Circut City. And geez, I thought my 19" flat monitor was cool, guess not. LOL.
22.5" flat panel monitor, 50' Toshiba big screen for the living room

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*Drool* move in to my place please!
Unfortunatly my recently aquired 21in monitor couldn't make the trip over
I was a Fry's junkie, but those 44 miles round trips to return defective pc gear is getting old.

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Me too. Why the heck did they have to build it in Wilsonville anyway. I m in gresham and its like 60miles round trip to get there. But they do have about every consumer electronic device on the market. SkyKingRon where do you fly out of ?
To TheWife: Aw 'cmon baby, I promise I will "hardly ever" disctact the dh from studying or paying attention to you. And I can explain why we were out so late last night at the club. You see...

To Snow: I knew I would get that reaction! I like my toys and I know others will too. So are you still waiting for a start date or are you already there? I know there is only so much you can ship from AusssieLand, thank god for roomies and friends. I'm going to get a huge trailer and haul a butload of essential must haves with me from Ore.

To Montana: I fly out of HIO. I belong to the Hillsboro Flying Club and have shares in the 152,172 and the PA-28-180, which is my favorite. There is also a 182 and a Beech Debonaire. Great flying wx lately huh? I need to go real soon before it turns to crap. I've been rushing to get the rest of my yardwork done before winter and my move to Vero(hopefully) PM me and we'll go out to Annies or Roscoes or the coast soon. I'm basically free all day except evenings.

Blue Skies...
So are you still waiting for a start date or are you already there?

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Arriving at the Academy on Wednesday, visiting some relies in Atlanta atm. 'Pavelump' has been kind enough to offer me a ride to Vero from Melboune, so if he has any pysco tendencies that I need to know about please tell me now

See you all Wednesday, I shouldn't be hard to spot, look for the guy carrying more than his own weight in luggage (I'm not kidding!)
Don't worry about 'ol Pavelump, he hardly has any psycho tendencies that aren't on FBI records as far as we know. You probably may be ok, sort-of. Possibly. Feel better now?!
Don't know Pavelump other than here but seems like a cool dude, not to mention gracious offering you the ride. That's the spirit!

Glad to hear your almost there. Watch out for those hillbilly pig farmers while your in Geogia.

Have fun.