Any NIFA competitors on these forums?

I can't keep it a secret anymore. I got first at CRM this year... :) I was PNF.

In past years our school has done well at preflight since we put someone from the A&P program on the team for preflight.
On the subject of chess club with heavy drinking... At one of our flight team meetings ackeight showed up drunk for our last E6B practice... He then proceeded to win at regionals. In more ways than one... GIGGITY! ;)

In other SAFECON related news, my alma mater is hosting regionals this year... If you're at Southeastern Oklahoma State University (KDUA) for regionals I might be there too. :)
BUMP- Invitations for Nationals went out a few weeks back.

If you're interested in becoming a judge, visit

Great time- free meals- and excellent networking possibilities.
Monthly bump for NIFA- Nationals are in May at Ohio State. Judges are needed and welcome. Lunches are provided.

It's kinda turning into a mini "job-fair" now also, with many Regional as well as the Legacy airlines in attendance with representatives talking to students and interested judges.
Ah- Eagle 2's Twitter account has been really quiet lately. Looking forward to the updates. Along with the PGNN news stories.