another possible change, need advice


New Member
Hi everyone,

I need some good, candid advice , because I am stewing every minute as to what the heck I should do?

To give a little background, I am 28 and I took a buy out package from a major airline , working in management. I have enough money to get all my ratings and avoid debt, and live it out for those first 3-5 years on little pay.

I have my PPL, about 200 hrs have not flown for three years. Currently, I have nothing, I mean nothing, to do. If I wanted, I could fly all day long everyday for the next two years. A very lucky position I think, but also a position that makes me nuts.

My goal is not to fly for an airline, but go to corporate, whether it be a netjets or an F500 company. Having worked for the airlines, I do not want to put up with the crap of an airline. Having come from the mgt side, I just know it will stink for me.

I guess the question is, can I get my ratings, with a little luck, and some connections, do you think I can be flying corporate in 3 years? Pipe dream? Do I need to get into the commuters to build some time?

I would appreciate some tips and a kick in the pants! Many thanks!
Every answer you get is going to depend if the responder believes in the "pilot shortage". Personally I believe it a myth, akin to hopeless daydreaming of youth.

If it is what you want to do, do it. I think you're crazy. Take all that money, buy an airplane, fly when you want.

Better yet, take all that money and buy a jet and give it to a management company. Get through your ratings, get paid to fly and to have your jet managed.
If my path went according to plan, I would have been at an airline by now. It did not. You know what though? At 34, I am happier than I have ever been since I left the Air Force over a decade ago. Enjoy the ride...The rest will come.
Every answer you get is going to depend if the responder believes in the "pilot shortage". Personally I believe it a myth, akin to hopeless daydreaming of youth.

If it is what you want to do, do it. I think you're crazy. Take all that money, buy an airplane, fly when you want.

Better yet, take all that money and buy a jet and give it to a management company. Get through your ratings, get paid to fly and to have your jet managed.

As an airline pilot, and someone who didn't listen to his father, who was a pilot, I will pass his advice on to you. Maybe it will help you.

"Son, don't waste your time as a commercial pilot, (this coming from a man who retired as the Director of Aviation for Mobil Oil,) be a doctor or lawyer. Then you can buy a plane and fly for fun, or buy a ticket on an airline and have those bums fly you around."

every one has their own experiences in this industry. If there was a guarantee of after 3 years you'd be at point "x" or point "y" in this career then it would be set up very differently.

It is different for everyone, and with the current pilot pool being saturated getting jobs the convential way is pretty tough.
Corporate is all about networking and being an easy going reliable person for your company and your capt.
What is nice for you is that you have enough cash on hand to "weather the storm". So I say go for it . . . know that you may never make a ton of cash, and that you are now a glorified bus driver! But it is a great office view!

It appears you have three things going for you:

1. A strong interest in aviation.
2. Management experience.
3. Capital.

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Starting a small aviation business could allow you to pursue flying professionally while doing something different. For instance, running a flight school or small charter service?
jnyxy nailed it. All I have to add is that is instructive to look at the 'about me' pages of the guys who will inevitably line up to urge you to live the dream.