Altimeter Setting


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that most of the time the altimeter setting ATC gives is usually .01 or .02 off of what the ATIS/ASOS is advertising. Why is that?
Is this at a particular station or everywhere you fly ??? In the center environment we have the altimeter displayed on our screen along with the time which usually coincides with when that stations ATIS updates. It is done automatically though we can update it manually if need be. I would say 95% of the time we match what the ATIS showing...
No, not a particular place, but it seems like its almost everywhere. It doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time. And not just Center controllers either.
If it's at towered airports, I believe they will give you what they are actually reporting, not what was on the ATIS, up to 1 hour prior. That may be where you are seeing the discrepancies. Also, remember, an ASOS, along with the ATIS, only sends out automated reports every hour, for the most part, so when you listen to the ASOS, it's giving you a reading for right then, not when the report was sent.

I could be wrong, but that's my theory. Also, a .01 or .02 change will give you how much change in altitude? 10 or 20 feet, right, so it's well within tolerances. Now, if you're off by 1", then you need to worry.
I could be wrong, but that's my theory. Also, a .01 or .02 change will give you how much change in altitude? 10 or 20 feet, right, so it's well within tolerances. Now, if you're off by 1", then you need to worry.

Yeah, not something I'm worried about, rather, something I've been curious about for some time now.
Stone Cold is correct. As an ATIS could be almost an hour old, the Controllers are giving you a current reading as they have the equipment (read out) right in front of them. While this is not a big deal on most days, it can be a huge deal on days shooting and ILS to mins. 29.92 vs. 29.96 is 40 feet - and can make the difference between landing and going around. Thats why when wx is low, the good controllers will say something like: "XYZ440 turn left 120, maintain 3,000' until established, cleared for ILS 9 approach, current altimeter 29.96 contact Twr on 118.3".