Alaska Hawaiian Merger Serious Version

What about PAWG to PAPG? Back when we were allowed to fly VFR. Before a few clowns ruined that by intentionally setting off the GPWS. Captains used to brag about how their “record was 7 minutes!”

When asking me to get a VFR clearance and file a VFR flight plan with Juneau radio of course…
The data from that leg that we got shown in new hire ground was…..enlightening
Probably not. HNL - OGG is 88 miles I think? Or maybe that's HNL- LIH? It's been a while since I've flown inter Island legs. I think KOA - OGG is probably the shortest though.

Ironically, the shortest legs I've done since I got out here have been on the 330, doing Honolulu to K-Bay, and Osan to Incheon.
Is your shop keeping the 330's as new 789's enter the fleet. PHX-HNL is all 787's now, from what I see. Not sure of other domestic markets.
What about PAWG to PAPG? Back when we were allowed to fly VFR. Before a few clowns ruined that by intentionally setting off the GPWS. Captains used to brag about how their “record was 7 minutes!”

When asking me to get a VFR clearance and file a VFR flight plan with Juneau radio of course…

You forgot…

“Without deicing! And making me walk 150 ft uphill for the walkaround... In blowing snow…”