Aircraft Re-fueler job


Well-Known Member
I am planning on applying for a Aircraft Re-fueler job at Chicago Business Air Center in Lansing. I really want to get back into an aviation job. Has anyone worked with them or currently work for them? Just trying to increase my chances. Also if anyone would be willing to critique my resume before I send it I would appreciate it. Just give me your e-mail and Ill send it to you. Thanks Danny
Good luck with it, I hope you like cold winters! I don't know much about that company, but I'll say that business side refueling is much more varied (more interesting) than airline side. Do you have prior line experience?

I'd be happy to take a look at your resume if you'd like, but I can't promise any results. ;)
I have experience working on planes which included towing them. I have fueled planes at self serve. I would appreciate someone looking over my resume. What is you e-mail?