Airbus A380 is a mixed blessing for LAX


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for the complaints to come in.

"Every time Qantas lands one of its giant Airbus A380s at LAX, parts of the nation's fourth-busiest airport come to a halt.
Service roads, taxiways and runways must be closed to airfield trucks, cars and other commercial aircraft as the world's largest passenger plane -- with wings almost as long as a football field -- arrives, departs and taxis with an official escort of operations vehicles...",0,4861084.story
I thought, after the first line, it would be directed at a public display of indecency, being as ugly as it is.

Sorry for the run-on....
I thought, after the first line, it would be directed at a public display of indecency, being as ugly as it is.

Sorry for the run-on....

Hmm, took me years to get used to the 747s looks, thought it was ugly for a LONG time. I suspect it will be the same for this one. ;-)
Hmm, took me years to get used to the 747s looks, thought it was ugly for a LONG time. I suspect it will be the same for this one. ;-)

Too each their own. I agree. And we all know if it pays enough and has enough home time involved, each of us would fly anything no matter how ugly it is. I thought the 170 is ugly (especially the short one) too.

I think for me, is not the disporprotinately stubby look of a gigantic airplane, it's from the L1 door forward. The high forhead of the plane just looks freakish to me. I think the 777 has a similar trait.
I've flown on the A380 through Emirates and honestly I wasn't that impressed. The coach area was the lower level (didn't feel like paying 14k for first class) and yes there's a bar but they wouldn't let me go up to see it. Wasn't anymore room than the 757 I flew on the way back but it was really quiet. Also first class gives you the ability to take a shower on the airplane.

Hmm, took me years to get used to the 747s looks, thought it was ugly for a LONG time. I suspect it will be the same for this one. ;-)

Ya know, the thing I like about the 747 (and just Boeings in general) is that they look like they are going fast while sitting on the ground. Airbus just isn't "pointy" enough. However, as soon as the A330 comes to ATL I'm going to bid it :D. It has a nice pay rate attached to it.
I like how Airbus official disagree with some of the things mentioned in the article. Of course they are going to disagree because you guys built this huge whale.
Ya know, the thing I like about the 747 (and just Boeings in general) is that they look like they are going fast while sitting on the ground. Airbus just isn't "pointy" enough. However, as soon as the A330 comes to ATL I'm going to bid it :D. It has a nice pay rate attached to it.

Maybe Im not the only one who thinks the A330 nose is very Boeing looking.
I remember reading somewhere that the A330 is a very large plane with a coupla hairdriers under the wings! I think it was Virgin pilot comparing it to a 747