Air Traffic Control Specialist

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Federal Aviation Administration Warrenton, Virginia:<BR /><p>This position is located in the Air Traffic Organization (ATO), Safety and Technical Training Service Unit, Safety Directorate, Safety Intelligence &amp; Response Group (AJI-1300). This group is responsible for reacting to significant events in the National Airspace System (NAS) by disseminating timely, accurate, and unbiased information about the events.</p> <strong>Duties</strong> <p> <p>As an Air Traffic Control Specialist, he/she applies knowledge of the NAS to perform complex, specialized air traffic control assignments involving the direction and investigation of significant aviation events. He/she serves as a senior project manager or team leader for large challenging activities to direct national on-site-safety investigations, assess air traffic services and operations and to report findings and recommended actions. These investigations are highly complex and are critical to the safe and efficient operation of the NAS. The reports and recommendations generated by the investigations affect all ATO operational units and the safety of the flying public.</p><p>He/she applies full performance level experience separating and controlling air traffic in a terminal or en route air traffic facility to conduct the initial investigation of highly complex aircraft accidents, near mid-air collision reports, major service disruptions, and incidents which receive significant media interest. He/she applies expert technical knowledge of air traffic control procedures and operations to assist ATO facility personnel in the compilation and review of audio and radar data as well as other pertinent documentation to determine causal factors, impacts and findings regarding high visibility incidents. He/she applies this knowledge to identify and resolve highly complex problems related to accident/incident causality that often cross-organizational boundaries between lines of business and government agencies and that affect the accomplishment of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) objectives.</p><p>He/she applies experience preparing analytical reports concerning aviation incidents or events to compile and report results of investigations to senior ATO leadership as well as other FAA senior leadership. Analyzes results of investigations and recommends courses of action. Ensures that information is adequately compiled and reported expeditiously along with advice to guide the actions of senior leadership.</p><p>As a collateral duty, he/she also supports the Joint Air Traffic Operations Command (JATOC) located at the Air Traffic Control System Command Center by serving on rotating 24/7 shifts as an Air Traffic Safety Investigator (ATSI). In this capacity investigates safety incidents. Also coordinates and directs the initial Safety response for significant incidents and communicates with the ATO Watch Officer (AWO) for sensitive information flowing to and from ATO senior leadership.</p><p>Contacts are internal and external and include senior management, industry and stakeholders. He/she coordinates the response of the ATO during national level on-site investigations by ATO Safety, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), and the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) regarding events within the NAS. Often represents the FAA at the national level as the agency focal point for major projects or programs. He/she interacts with senior executives within other FAA lines of business during on-site investigations of events. External contacts include representatives from the aviation industry, labor organizations and other external stakeholders. Recommends organizational positions on major program and issues to agency management. Serves as a focal point for safety investigations and accident reporting. Utilizes extensive experience and expert technical knowledge of air traffic operations to determine causal factors of the event and compliance with FAA regulations. Prepares and reviews reports or policies for internal and external distribution.</p> </p>

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