Air National Guard


New Member
What is the age limit in joining the Air National Guard? What can I expect has for as actual flight time, what is the selection criteria, how difficult is it to get into their flight training program? I've looked at military option but with me turning 31 I think I no longer qualify for that route. I just couldn't find relevant information about the ANG.

As I mentioned, am 31. I have a BS in CIS and have been working in my field of study for over 8 years. I've just started with my PPL training and am about 6 hours in of actual flight time.
Last time I checked (which was when I was hired by the WV ANG in 1999) you had to complete UPT by the time you reached 31 1/2. They had just upped it from 27 I think. I was 23 a the time so it didn't really concern me and I didn't pay as much attention to that detail.
I guess with my age at 31 I may be SOL. But after doing some more reading here I think I'll pay my local group a visit here in Houston and see what becomes of it.