Air Canada Hiring

From a dispatch perspective you'll need to write transport canada's 2 dispatch exams, one on weather the other on regs. Free to write at any transport canada location, if you have your FAA you should be fine just a quick brush up on the CAR's regulations which are very similar to the FAR's.
Not sure what you would need from an immigration stand point tho for an American wanting to work in Canada?
Immigration Canada would process (pronouced prooow-cess, eh) a work visa for this type of position after an offer of employment. Immigrants are afforded consideration for work visas and citizenship based on industry need. Positions in aviation are afforded very high consideration for foreign nationals wishing to work within the country.

Whether or not Canada's Flag carrier would look across the border while Jazz, Sunwing, CanJet, Westjet, etc. may provide qualified applicants is another matter.

However, you can be assured that Canada will be prepared for the Zombie apocalypse: