About fed up!


Well-Known Member
I am currnetly working for a charter company (not on their 135 yet) flight instructing, flying photos, and the King Air we manage. I have about 1350 total with 525 multi and 310 of that turbine. I currently struggle to pay the bills which is why i consider a change. I would like to goto airlines but that would be a slight pay decrease and can not afford it. My student loans to learn to fly are killing me! I am thinking about switching to something else and then flight instructing on the side and maybe even joining CAP. Does this sound crazy? Any suggestions?
How long have you been with this company?

edit to add: How much time each week is spent there?
Been with them 2 years. They say we only have to be there when flying or doing other duties (GPS updates etc) however if we are not there or take a day off due to flying on weekend the boss generally responds negatively.
It may help if you list for us some of your non-aviation skills and interests so that we could offer you further assistance.
I am leaning towards financial advisor as I have two former students that would be willing to mentor. I also have thought about real estate and selling cars again.
I get that the regionals could be a pay decrease, but you're not on first year pay forever. If you want to fly for a living, get your 1500, see if you can defer your loans, and get through the first year.

Or not. It's up to you. But it seems silly to me to give up on a possible 40 year career because of a short term cash flow issue.
I get that the regionals could be a pay decrease, but you're not on first year pay forever. If you want to fly for a living, get your 1500, see if you can defer your loans, and get through the first year.

Or not. It's up to you. But it seems silly to me to give up on a possible 40 year career because of a short term cash flow issue.
If he has student loans and can barely pay them off now, going to the regionals where first year pay is generally $20k - $24k is not really the best thing to do. Just saying!

I wonder whether or not he could enter financial advising somehow and keep flying on the side while paying off those loans, then when he reaches ATP mins, apply to the regionals left and right. I don't have enough knowledge over that career field to comment.
If your flying a King Air PIC then you should be demanding more money. The king air guys around here make decent money
Currently at 28k. I need just shy of 2k to pay bills if I really budget food, gas, etc. Do not have any extras like cable. Parents were unable to help with student loans (I am the first in the family to goto college) so I have a hefty amount of loans. I do meet the ATP mins due go 4 year degree from 141 program. I know two of our pilots that are flying King Airs and an Astra and making in the 40's. We are a relatively young company and they have purchased too many aircraft and say they can't pay more due to their fixed costs. I really enjoy flying but I have taken 4 personal flights since I got my private license due to money. I even have planes available to me for fuel only through former students.
Currently at 28k. I need just shy of 2k to pay bills if I really budget food, gas, etc. Do not have any extras like cable. Parents were unable to help with student loans (I am the first in the family to goto college) so I have a hefty amount of loans. I do meet the ATP mins due go 4 year degree from 141 program. I know two of our pilots that are flying King Airs and an Astra and making in the 40's. We are a relatively young company and they have purchased too many aircraft and say they can't pay more due to their fixed costs. I really enjoy flying but I have taken 4 personal flights since I got my private license due to money. I even have planes available to me for fuel only through former students.

I went to my employer in 2008 I showed him my bills and my pay stubs.

My standby pay doubled.

I asked reasonably and professionally.
I'll let guys from other regionals chime in, but at C5 you can do pretty close to that number first year. I live in base at IAD and make it work. Sitting reserve from home like I am today is pretty easy. If you instead went to CLE you could live a little cheaper.

Other regionals will have much better pay for second year FOs, here you'd make Capt pay much quicker, although 2nd year FO is only $2 more than 1st.

The short version: if you want to go to the regionals, I'm pretty sure there are guys with far worse situations than yours making it work.
How long would it take your to reach 1500 total flight hours at your current company? If you could hold off, I would. If need be, see if you can instruct only part time at the company to continue building time after you get your 1500, then find a full time job out of aviation for a year or two to help pay down any debt from student loans. I am all to familiar with paying for college on your own, and being the first to graduate with a degree. You are likely in a much better position than most.
Yeah its not that hard to make close to that on first year pay at a bigger regional. First paycheck of the month is about 600 and second is around 1200-1500 depending on how much you fly. Thats after all my deductions. So that puts you at about how much you indicated you need to get by. However the only way I make it work with those stupid student loans is working a second job.

Truthfully I think its pathetic and really kick myself every payday for signing my life away to key bank and Sallie Mae. But it is what it is.

Ever think about apprenticeships in the trades? The plumber my buddy and I use with his contracting company was offering $17/hour to start an apprentice. Couldn't find anyone worth a darn and bumped it up to 20 bucks an hour. Filled the position with a girl.
I am currnetly working for a charter company (not on their 135 yet) flight instructing, flying photos, and the King Air we manage. I have about 1350 total with 525 multi and 310 of that turbine. I currently struggle to pay the bills which is why i consider a change. I would like to goto airlines but that would be a slight pay decrease and can not afford it. My student loans to learn to fly are killing me! I am thinking about switching to something else and then flight instructing on the side and maybe even joining CAP. Does this sound crazy? Any suggestions?

Are you seeking career advice or financial advice?

With regard to career advice, there is nothing that I or anyone else can tell you that you don't already know. Keep flying, networking, building your skills and qualifications, and keep applying. If you stick at it, something will come along.

With regard to financial advice, look at your budget. Then have someone else look at your budget. I bet they'll have a different perspective on what are essentials and what are luxuries. Next thing is to up your income. Can you work more at your current job? Can you find some other work to supplement your income?