A320 Captains – Shanghai, China


Well-Known Member
Spring Airlines is the only company in China which is 100% privately owned. It is moreover the most economical airline of its kind. By 2021, Spring Air will have acquired another 100
Airbus A320 planes. Furthermore, 80 captains are hired every year.

Spring Air personnel are mostly based in Shanghai. Owing to the company‘s constant expansion, Spring Air now employs part of its staff in Osaka and Bangkok.
In addition to point-to-point flights from Shanghai, there are also some layovers in Japan, Thailand, Sin- gapore and Malaysia. This is a lot of fun.

Crew planning at Spring Air is very exible. In case you might need to go home, e.g. for celebrating your child’s birthday, the duty roster can be adjusted accordingly.

At Spring Airlines pilots are assigned to different departments. The Fifth Division is responsible for 105 out of 600 foreign pilots. The people working here are fluent in English and know how to deal with problems and concerns that foreign employees typically have.
Twice a year the department organizes a two-day trip to Shanghai and its surroundings.

Currently, the company has three simulator instructors from Europe and several more are to be em- ployed soon. All in all, Spring Air endeavors to make foreign employees feel comfortable and settle in quickly.

Unlike many other low-cost airlines, Spring Airlines regularly invests significant amounts of money in job training as well as in cockpit equipment. Before each check in the simulator, two simulator training sessi- ons are carried out in the company owned simulator center!! In addition, CBT days will be scheduled.

At the beginning of 2016, Spring Airlines was the first airline in China to switch from the “less paper cockpit” to the “no paper cockpit“. Any information needed in the cockpit is made available on two iPad tablets, including the OFP ight schedule.

The Chinese do not like to fly on an empty stomach. Spring Air takes this into account when scheduling check-in times and meals are served every 4 - 5 hours on each flight.

The conditions:
  • ATPL

  • Medical class 1

  • ICAO English level 4

  • 3000 hours total ight time

  • 1000 hours PIC on Airbus A320

  • Age limit of 55 years at the time of application

Quick Facts:

A three-year contract which is renewable

Roster options:

1. China-based living - 40 days holiday. Yearly salary with bonuses: Up to $275,000
2. 6 weeks work / 2 weeks off. Yearly salary with bonuses: Up to $263,000
3. 6 weeks work / 3 weeks off. Yearly salary with bonuses: Up to $251,000
4. 4 weeks work / 4 weeks off. Yearly salary with bonuses: Up to $200,000

Salaries include the following annual bonuses:
  • $ 10,000 for home leave

  • $ 12,000 (option 1,2,3) otherwise $10,000 (option 4) - safety bonus

  • $ 6,000 (option 1,2,3) otherwise $5,000 (option 4) as an annual bonus

  • $ 6,000 fuel saving bonus

    In Shanghai, pilots will initially undergo ground training for a period of approximately one month.
    During this period accommodation will be provided and the pilots will receive a daily salary amounting to $300.

    Please send your resume to Chris at welcome@pilot4pilots.com