a good job with a physics degree and aviation exp??


New Member
I have a B.S. in Physics and a minor in Math. I also have a private pilots license and around 120 hrs. of single engine time. I am currently working at a small FBO at a regional airport in PA. I was curious on any career opportunities would be available in the aviation or aviation-related fields with such experience.

I have realized over the past months that a degree in Physics has opened many doors in non-aviation fields, but i really want to stay in aviation. I thought about continuing to fly and earn more licenses/ratings but i want a solid career first before i get back into flying. i think id rather do flying on the side anyways. Any suggestions??
Possibly some of the space development firms need physicists, but only if you can also do computer coding. If you double up and get a degree in mechanical, electrical, or aerospace engineering you open a LOT of aerospace jobs with REALLY good pay.
Possibly some of the space development firms need physicists, but only if you can also do computer coding. If you double up and get a degree in mechanical, electrical, or aerospace engineering you open a LOT of aerospace jobs with REALLY good pay.

Define really good pay. I was a mechanical engineer in the aerospace industry making about $55k about 4 years ago. It's ok, but not great. Getting past six figures is very tough to do as an engineer, unless you become a manager.