Hello everybody,
I am new to this board and this is my first post. I have so many questions for you career aviators, so bare with me. I am currently 26 yrs old (w/o a pilots licence) and have always wanted to get into the aviation field. However, I feel that I am getting to old to start my career. Where I would like to eventually end up is in a major airline, but how possible is that for a 26 year old who hasn't started yet. My big hang up is whether or not I should go to a 2 or 4 year aviation college, receive my licencing through a local airport, or go get my training through the military. I am currently applying for the Marine flight program (knock on wood), but if I do not make it, I was considering on going to the army enlisted, and then join their WOFT program in a yr or 2. What would yall do in my shoes? Do I still have a time to land a job with an airline? Please be honest. In addition, what is the retirement age for airline pilots? I heard from 60-65 years of age? Yalls advice is deeply appreciated. P.S. I currently have a degree from Texas A&M University, so thats out of the way.
Thank You
I am new to this board and this is my first post. I have so many questions for you career aviators, so bare with me. I am currently 26 yrs old (w/o a pilots licence) and have always wanted to get into the aviation field. However, I feel that I am getting to old to start my career. Where I would like to eventually end up is in a major airline, but how possible is that for a 26 year old who hasn't started yet. My big hang up is whether or not I should go to a 2 or 4 year aviation college, receive my licencing through a local airport, or go get my training through the military. I am currently applying for the Marine flight program (knock on wood), but if I do not make it, I was considering on going to the army enlisted, and then join their WOFT program in a yr or 2. What would yall do in my shoes? Do I still have a time to land a job with an airline? Please be honest. In addition, what is the retirement age for airline pilots? I heard from 60-65 years of age? Yalls advice is deeply appreciated. P.S. I currently have a degree from Texas A&M University, so thats out of the way.
Thank You