50 years of Martha

You can celebrate with them on a cruise in November.

Maybe I've got a soft spot, but I think you guys are being pretty harsh on John and Martha. It takes a LOT to make a business in GA, make it go for the long term, let alone make an entire career of out of it. Especially out of such a harmless product like ground school.

Now go do your penance by reading through 5 Sporty's catalogs.
Maybe I've got a soft spot, but I think you guys are being pretty harsh on John and Martha. It takes a LOT to make a business in GA, make it go for the long term, let alone make an entire career of out of it. Especially out of such a harmless product like ground school.

Now go do your penance by reading through 5 Sporty's catalogs.
I didn’t really see anything here as being harsh? Just kind of joking without AFAICT any cruel intent?
An upside down pineapple on their cabin door

Haha we went to a kids bday party (friend of mine and friend of my boy's), and my wife spotted this on the counter. For a whole lot of reasons, I have to think it was either an accident or a set up by their teenage kids/friends, but I was like WAAAT????? haha. Didn't even know about this, it was a friend of the wife's that told her what it meant in a totally different conversation/context

It was all elderly family members, or kids/cousins, so we would have been the only two people it could have possibly applied to if they had meant to do it. Which would just seem strange to me