2024 in Review...How Much Did You Fly?


Well-Known Member
The tradition continues, it's that time of year. How did y'all do?

Got 7 more days of work but included them, just connecting the PNW to like 20 places

510 hours block in the Guppy
1306 credit (worked the system a bit)
67 landings
146,012 miles

Last edited:
620 block
1054 credit
Averaged 9 nights away per month (3 day trips with early start/early finish is my jam)

Did NOT play the system and didn’t pick up a single trip…my time is more valuable than what what a premium trip could offer

Granted I’m amazed at home much the DHing and trip reassignment really add up.
554 total block this year so far with two more trips to go that total 34.25. I also upgraded which took out a month of block time as well.

Im up to 4668 hours in eight* years of flying the guppy with 20 years to go.

*There was 13 months off in there for Covid that I didn’t fly which was glorious.
646 with about 3 trips left, so probably right around the 700 mark. Doesn't feel like I worked that hard.

Have 6 days/37 hours to go over Xmas. Yes I still use ForeFlight for my logbook and my Christmas wish is that they launch an airline centric version and send jeppview and wsi to the dumpster fire where they belong.

No idea how much credit but it’s not a lot more than block. 2 months of reserve and a handful of deadheads, some skipped some taken. Lots of time in the back. Less time on the JS than one might expect.
463.7 hours with a few more rotations yet to fly (one which I'll be Company-removed from as I'm not qualified to go to the destinations involved), I don't know the credit offhand because I just don't pay that much attention anymore.

Not bad.