Please Help With Upper Div Research on Flight Attendant Occupation


New Member
Hi all!

I'm currently a senior at the University of California, Irvine and am currently enrolled in an upper division sociology class on occupations and professions. My class requires all students to turn in a term paper on a selected profession and I chose the flight attendant profession as my topic. Our research requires us to do 4 interviews with those who are already working in the profession or are experienced veterans. Unfortunately I do not know anyone in this profession and had no choice but to reach out to those that are currently in the profession or have worked in the profession via the internet and online forums. It would be great if I can interview a few of you! Due to time constraints all interviews will be conducted via instant messaging [i.e. AIM, Yahoo Messenger, etc.]. Please email me if you're available for an interview from sometime now to 12 AM [GMT-8]. Thank you so much for your time!

All personal information will be kept confidential throughout the paper and the interview will be kept confidential.
